We are now in KIBAALE!! The time we have all been waiting for! I can’t believe I’m actually here again, it feels so unreal. Erin and I had a hard time sitting still as we drove up the gates.
School was out for Monday and Tuesday due to secondary students taking exams, so the campus was quite empty. So on Tuesday, Jamie Davis and the interpreter, Mugabi, took us all on two home visits. First we went to Reagan’s house (one of Erin’s sponsor children) and also Jackie’s house (another one of Erin’s sponsors). We had a great time meeting their families and seeing their homes.
On Wednesday, Erin, Megs and I went to check out the new daycare center. There were about 15 babies, so of course we all loved that! After lunch, we went on two more home visits. First up was Clair’s house (Erin’s third sponsor) and then Ivan’s house (which is my little 4 year old sponsor boy). I just started sponsoring Ivan in March so I didn’t have a chance to visit his house last time I was here, so I have been looking forward to this day for the longest time. When I arrived at his house, I grabbed the gift basket and my bag of little treats for Ivan. We were welcomed into their house by his mom who was so grateful for our visit. We chatted for a bit about their family and Ivan, and I learned that they are in desperate need for a water container. Right now they have a small jar that collects all their water. I’m going to try to work on getting one for Christmas for them. I also started pulling out the little toys I had brought for Ivan. He loved the whistle recorder I brought, as well as the stickers. And you should have seen his face when I blew the bubbles! It was absolutely priceless! He was so surprised! I was disappointed that our visit had to come to an end, but we were able to go outside and get a family picture. When I bent down to say goodbye to Ivan, he wrapped his little arms around me and gave me the biggest hug. He is so precious and I love him to bits. Later that afternoon we visited two more homes. The first was Scovia, which is the Wiebe’s university sponsor. She just completed a three year certificate and her English is very good. She ended up spending the majority of the day with us which was great. The second visit was at Teddy’s house, which is Cathy Carter’s (who is a friend and teacher at PA) sponsor girl. Cathy just built a new house for them so we were excited to see what it looked like. From there we walked into Kibaale town to buy “chapattis” for dinner. I love walking into town, everyone’s so friendly and the kids just crowd around you. The chapattis were excellent and so cheap! I think we bought 25 for $2.50
Guess what we did Thursday? More home visits! They’re actually so amazing; I could do them every day. Every family has a different story to tell and half the fun is getting there, riding in the back of the truck on the bumpy red dirt roads. The first stop was my other little sponsor girl, Joan. In March I was able to meet both Joan’s mother and grandmother, so I was looking forward to seeing them again. When I arrived at her house, Joan was quickly washing up and getting dressed into her nice clothes. I greeted Joan’s mom and her little twin sisters. We sat in their living room and talked for a bit and I also gave Joan her gifts I had brought for her. I also brought a bunch of toddler girl’s clothes (tons of dresses and skirts) that my friend, Linda, had given me back at home to bring along. The twins tried them on and they fit perfectly. They seemed pretty excited to get new clothes! Again, I was sad to leave but the good thing is I’ll still get to see both Joan and Ivan at school next week.
So exciting! I will be sure to pass this on to Linda as I am seeing her today! (it's Tuesday here)...Bubbles are the best thing to boggle a kid's mind eh?? I remember the big hit they were in Russia! Can't wait to see all the pics!